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Sarah Meredith & Greg Bucking
Sunday, October 16 was unexpectedly good weather and what better way to spend it than meeting candidates, making friends, and encouraging voters to engage in the election this November? Schoharie County Democratic Committee members, and many other local volunteers of all ages, gathered at Wayward Lane Brewery on a perfect fall day. They knocked on doors, giving out information about early voting and the candidates’ positions, and wrote over 900 postcards to voters who might need a nudge to get to the polls. Five candidates came by, some writing postcards, others talking with volunteers and the public, and everyone enjoying the weather and good food.
Nicholas Chase, candidate for 102nd Assembly District, came early and wrote 40 postcards, while conversing, and discussing his priorities for bringing more resources to the schools in our district. Eric Ball, candidate for State Senate District 51, arrived later in the day and talked with volunteers and local folks at the brewery about his background in health care and his hope for representing the interests and needs of the people throughout his district that stretches into several counties. Two of the three Democrats running for the open State Supreme Court seats came by, Sharon Graff and Heidi Cochrane. True to their judicial postures of impartiality, they could not actually write postcards expressing any political views, so they relaxed, chatted about the role and function of the Supreme Court in the scheme of things, and explained how this level of the court system actually adjudicates the legality of other court decisions.
To top off the day, Matt Castelli, candidate for U.S. Congressional District 21 challenging Elise Stefanik, came and met volunteers, spoke with the public, and shared some delicious BBQ chicken from Ten Pin Catering, along with fresh brew from Wayward Lane Brewery. Castelli fielded questions about how his views represent those who would be his constituents and he spoke clearly and definitively about how most people here believe in background checks and legal gun ownership and protecting a woman’s right to choose if and when to have a family; making it quite clear that he is willing to straddle the middle ground along with most voters. His deep support of law enforcement and issues of homeland security may rankle his opponent, since his career and actions have been consistent on this.
One person asked him about the road signs about Stefanik “backing the blue” and he pointed out that her voting record on funding and programs for the police is far worse than that of “AOC,” according to some police associations. He warned that voters need to see beyond the rhetoric and partisanship or Democracy will hang in the balance.
If you missed this one, keep an eye out for another fun voter engagement event before the election.