What do we do?
We represent you.
Each town, from Sharon to Conesville, has a representative on the Schoharie County Democratic Committee. We are here to listen to your concerns and bring them to our elected leaders. You can meet your town’s representative here.
We support candidates.
Each candidate who runs for office needs a network of people in every town. In order to even get on the ballot, candidates need to collect hundreds (or thousands) of signatures. We help Democrats get on the ballot, up and down the ballot.
We keep you informed.
There is a lot to know! We keep people in Schoharie County informed through press releases, social media platforms, and emailed newsletters. Our neighborhood canvassers even knock on doors and make phone calls. We are your elected representatives, and we want you to know what is happening.

the schoharie county democratic committee
is an all-volunteer organization with leadership elected by the members. We aim to connect people to their government and to each other, reminding them of their role in Democracy and how they can be active participants.