As usual, this year’s annual fundraising dinner was a big hit. We had a wealth of great guest speakers including:
-State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli
-NY21 Congressional Candidate Paula Collins
-State Senate Candidate Michele Frazier
-State Assembly Candidate Janet Tweed
Informal Social Gatherings Every Month! Democrats really appreciate having opportunities to share ideas, talk about issues that matter to us, and make new friends, creating networks that can support Democrats running for office, or making positive change in their communities. In 2023, SCDC started a series of monthly social gatherings in locations around Schoharie County. The first was February 18 at the Apple Barrel in Schoharie. The second was March 24 in Middleburgh at the Green Wolf; the third was in Schoharie at Wayward Lanes Brewing on April 20; June 15 we gathered at Weiss Ferments’ Biergarten in Conesville, and July 26 we gathered for Pizza Night at the Mill Pond Inn in Jefferson! In the fall, we focused on supporting Democratic candidates and getting out the votre.
Keep your eye on this page — or check out our FaceBook page to be sure you know the what-where-when of these fun times. YOU are the WHO of this equation. Some places require RSVP, but it’s always good to contact our socialcommittee.scdc@gmail.com with questions or to let us know you are coming. We may be hosting post card writing parties in 2024!
FDR Banquet SOLD OUT for 2023, MAY 11 at Chieftans in Cobleskill
Each year SCDC puts on a party to celebrate democratic values and give local Democrats a time and place to discuss issues, share ideas, strategize for candidates, make new friends and deepen old friendships. Food? YES, there’s a delicious dinner with choice of beef, chicken or vegetable main course. Fun? YES, the whole place is full of interesting people from all over Schoharie County. INSPIRATION? YES, our invited special guest always raises the roof. In 2023 Lt. Gov. Delgado spoke of our steadfast commitment to community, and standing up to the current political tactics of lying and normalizing false narratives to gain power. We have much at stake in 2024 and our kick-off for G-O-T-V (get-out-the-vote) activities may well be the FDR banquet!
If you’ve missed this event in the past, you can plan to get your tickets early this year. There will be information about this in the newsletter, on Facebook, in the local papers, and right here.

2023 Auction
SCDC Spring Auction COMING UP END OF MARCH! Donations accepted until bidding starts on March 27 at 7 AM. Every one donating and bidding are supporting Democratic processes and candidates in Schoharie County. This year, 2023, we have local elections in every town and village. Raising candidates to run for town board, council, clerk or highway superintendent takes energy and resources. SCDC will be helping inform voters, provide publicity and events that raise awareness of democratic points of view. Please send donation listings of 25 words or less, plus jpg images and minimum bid (if there is one) to fundraising.scdc@gmail.com
THE ONLINE BIDDING ADDRESS WILL BE PROVIDED BEFORE THE BIDDING BEGINS, so keep checking back!! And set a little aside to place your bids!

Schoharie County Democratic Committee Meeting for November
The November meeting for the SCDC will take place at the Middleburgh Shelter at 138 Cotton Hill Rd in Middleburgh. If you are not on the committee but would like to attend, please email info@schohariedemocrats.org.
Please note: Because we are living in uncertain times, please check back here, before heading to the meeting, to make sure that there have been no changes.

Democratic Get Out the Vote Event
Come to the Schoharie County Democratic Committee Knocktoberfest!
There will be an exciting community 'Get Out the Vote' event beginning and ending at the Wayward Lane Brewery, 255 Ward Lane, Schoharie on Sunday October 16, from 11 AM to 5 PM! Meet candidates. Bring friends and family. Don't worry if you've never done this before. There will be a short training and there will be experienced people there to help. This election is so critical for us in Schoharie County as we join District 21. So many freedoms on the line, and a candidate, Matt Castelli, who can defeat Elise Stefanik.
There will be food and fun and new friends to be made. There will be opportunities to write some postcards to your neighbors to encourage them to vote. There will also be door-to-door canvassing with the candidates. Come see for yourself!
If you want to learn, you can:
Meet Eric Ball and Nick Chase who are running for NYS Senate and NYS Assembly.
Meet Heidi Cochrane who is running for NYS Supreme Court.
Learn more about Matt Castelli, a moderate who is taking on Elise Stefanik
Learn more about the Democratic Committee in Schoharie County: who we are and what we do!
If you want to get busy:
We will have postcards to write to help drive voters to the polls.
A group will be leaving to knock on doors at 11:00. Knocking on doors is the most effective way to sway voters! We’ll send you out with a pro, and you’ll see how easy it is!
If you want to eat great food and meet other Democrats:
Ten Pin Catering will be selling half-chickens
Wayward Lane has some mighty good beer
There will be a food truck and a farmer’s market
Bring a dish to pass!
Schedule of Events:
11:00 - Door knockers meet and launch. If you want to join the door knocking club, sign up here.
2:00 - Postcard writing and information tables
3:00-5:00 Chicken dinners, community potluck, and meet candidates.
There’s something for everyone to do to help FIRE ELISE STEFANIK.
SIGN UP USING THIS FORM and you will be contacted with details.
Save the date and spend your afternoon helping inform and inspire others.

Matt Castelli Town Hall
OCTOBER 5, 5:30-6:30 PM AT THE JEFF TUFANO GALLERY, 548 E Main St, Cobleskill, NY 12043.
Meet the “Country over Party” moderate democrat who is challenging Elise Stefanik
Pro-business and pro-worker; pro-responsible gun ownership and pro-securing our schools and public spaces; pro-border security and pro-immigration; former CIA officer and director for counterterrorism for two Presidents.

Schoharie County Democratic Committee Meeting for September
The September meeting for the SCDC will take place at the Conesville Fire Department. If you are not on the committee but would like to attend, please email info@schohariedemocrats.org.
Please note: Because we are living in uncertain times, please check back here, before heading to the meeting, to make sure that there have been no changes.
SCDC At the Sunshine Fair
Right from opening day of the annual County Fair in Cobleskill on August 9, voter information for the August 23 Primary and Special Election will be available at the Schoharie County Democratic Committee (SCDC) booth. Located in the Progress Land section, folks at the booth can help you understand how it is that Schoharie voters this August will be asked to vote in two different Congressional Districts, a Special Election for District 19 to fill the vacant seat until the end of this year; and a Primary for candidates vying for a run in the November vote for District 21.
Info sheets will be available with all of the dates for in-person early voting at two locations — one in Cobleskill the other in Schoharie. Application forms for absentee ballots will be available if you won’t be able to vote during the August 23 election or for the November 8th, Election Day. Voter Registration forms will also be available that can be used for new voters or to change your old voting address. For more information about voting in Schoharie County, see the Schoharie County Board of Elections.
Come for the fun in the SUNSHINE and get what you need to participate in this Fair and Free Democracy at the same time! Bring the kids! For information about the Sunshine Fair, see sunshinefair.org; for information about the SCDC, see schohariedemocrats.org.

Matt Putorti @ The Green Wolf
Meet congressional candidate, Matt Putorti, at the Green Wolf Brewery in Middleburgh on Friday, July 29, 2022, from 5:50 to 7:00.

Matt Castelli & Pat Ryan @ The Green Wolf
Meet two of our congressional candidates at the Green Wolf Brewery in Middleburgh on Friday, July 15, 2022. Matt Castelli, who is running against Elise Stefanik, will be there from 4:30- 5:30. The Schoharie County Democratic Committee has proudly endorsed Matt Castelli. Pat Ryan, who is hoping to fill the vacancy left by Antonio Delgado, will be there at 6. There will be postcards to write and information about how you can get more involved.

Schoharie County Democratic Committee Meeting for july
The July meeting for the SCDC will take place at Gallupville House at 913 New York 443 in Gallupville, NY. The annual organizational meeting will take place at 6:30, followed by the regular committee meeting at 7:30. If you are not on the committee but would like to attend, please email info@schohariedemocrats.org.
Please note: Because we are living in uncertain times, please check back here, before heading to the meeting, to make sure that there have been no changes.

Annual FDR Banquet
Join us for an evening of delicious food and great company at Chieftans Restaurant & Bar in Cobleskill. This year we will be joined by Matt Castelli, candidate for Congress in our new 21st district.
Tickets for the dinner are $50 each and can be purchased here.

Online Auction Fundraiser
We are in need of funds to advertise our excellent candidates and build a strong cohesive political organization. Please visit our online auction and bid on one or more wonderful items donated by local businesses, museums and individuals. Here is the link to our auction on 32auctions.

Matt Castelli @ Middleburgh 4th Friday
Democratic Congressional Candidate Matt Castelli, who is challenging US Rep Elise Stefanik to represent the 21st Congressional District, will be visiting Middleburgh this Friday, May 27th, to participate in the Fourth Friday Middleburgh festivities. Mr. Castelli is a former Director of Counterterrorism at the National Security Council. He later served in both the Obama and Trump administrations. He was motivated to run for Congress after watching the US Capitol being violently attacked on January 6th, 2021, by extremist Trump backers seeking to overturn the will of the voters. He will be doing a meet and greet at 7:30 PM on the lawn of Gruning Audioworks at 270 Main Street, Middleburgh, NY.
For additional information, contact info@castelliforcongress.com.

Schoharie County Democratic Committee Meeting for May
The May meeting for the SCDC will take place at the 204 Main Bar & Bistro in Sharon Springs. If you are not on the committee but would like to attend, please email info@schohariedemocrats.org.
Please note: Because we are living in uncertain times, please check back here, before heading to the meeting, to make sure that there have been no changes.

Schoharie County Democratic Committee Meet & Greet
Come to the Chalybeate Park Pavilion in Sharon Springs on Monday May 16. We will have a Meet and Greet and Informational meeting from 6:00-7:15, where you can learn what we are up to and how you can get involved. We have our bi-monthly, official (dull) meeting at 7:30 in the 204 Main Bar & Bistro on Main Street in Sharon Springs. You can stay for that, too, if you would like.
Come for a light dinner, camaraderie and co-misery. Stay for some hope.
Please RSVP here. We want to be ready for you.
Please note: Because we are living in uncertain times, please check back here, before heading to the meeting, to make sure that there have been no changes.

Schoharie County Democratic Committee Meeting for March
The March meeting for the SCDC will take place at the Middleburgh Shelter at 138 Cotton Hill Rd in Middleburgh. If you are not on the committee but would like to attend, please email info@schohariedemocrats.org.
Please note: Because we are living in uncertain times, please check back here, before heading to the meeting, to make sure that there have been no changes.
Communications Committee Meeting
Monthly Communication Committee meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. via Zoom, until further notice. If you would like to participate, please email Chairperson Jerrine Corallo to be included.

Find Out How to Start a Town Committee
A town democratic committee exists to support town democratic candidates. Many towns in Schoharie County do not have town committees, or if they do, the town committees have been inactive for a long time.
Democrats can't win without a team!
On Monday, January 31 at 8PM, Jackie Hadam will teach you everything you need to know in order to start a town committee. This meeting will be held via Zoom.
If you'd like to attend the meeting, please RSVP here. We will send you a link for the Zoom meeting beforehand.
Committees are best in community! Bring a friend.

Schoharie County Democratic Committee Meeting
The January meeting for the SCDC will take place over Zoom. The link will be sent out to all committee members, via email, prior to the meeting. If you are not on the committee but would like to attend, please email info@schohariedemocrats.org.

Schoharie County Democratic Committee Meeting
All are welcome to attend our November meeting. Please RSVP here.
5:30 Gathering
Come early for a light dinner and conversation. There are a lot of new people who are interested in committee work. This is your chance to get involved.
6:00 Committee Meetings
Leslie Berliant, a professional political consultant, will meet with the committees to discuss goal setting and planning. Committees will then work in small groups to establish their goals.
7:30 Business Meeting