you can make a difference.
here’s how you can help!
Sign up for our emails
This is the best way to learn about us, and how to get involved with our dynamic, active committee:
Keep up with the latest on social media:
Share our posts with your friends and neighbors!
Come to the FDR Banquet
The SCDC hosts an annual celebratory gathering, traditionally called the FDR Banquet. Last year, our honored guest was our former Congressman and now Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado. Sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get all the details.
Sign up to be on our neighbor-to-neighbor
canvassing committee
Several times each year, we get together en masse and knock on doors throughout the county. We generally knock in the late fall, before the November elections. To learn more, contact Theresa Heary at theresaheary@gmail.com .
Run for office
Feel strongly about things in your Town? Have ideas that could make a difference? Consider running for office! SCDC can help! Get in touch with us here.
Come to a meeting
This year full SCDC meetings are every other month: January, March, May, July, September, November. Subcommittees and work groups meet more frequently. Informal social gatherings are being scheduled every month in different locations. Reach out to info@schohariedemocrats.org if you are interested, and we will get back to you!
One of our youngest Democrats putting stamps on postcards.
Donate to support our work and the Democratic process for fielding candidates all around the County. You can send checks, payable to Schoharie County Democratic Committee (or SCDC) to:
Jean Burton
Treasurer SCDC
PO Box 46
Gallupville, NY. 12073
Create content
We always need help creating content for our social media platforms and our newsletter. Reach out to the communications committee if you want to help. communications.scdc@gmail.com
Help distribute yard signs
In the fall, you can be a part of the yard sign brigade, getting out signs to all corners of the county.
Our former Congressman, Representative Antonio Delgado, bumping elbows with Matt Fass, the founder of the Student Democrats of SUNY Cobleskill.