Minutes—January 24, 2022 Meeting
The Schoharie County Democratic Committee held a regular meeting on
Monday, January 24, 2022, by Zoom.
Chairman Theresa Heary called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm. She acknowledged that that the meeting was being held on native lands. The secretary took the roll call; a quorum was present.
Agenda: Martin Messner made the motion, seconded by Bridey Finegan, to
approve the proposed agenda. Motion passed by voice vote.
Minutes: Bobbi Wilding made the motion, seconded by Kristen Williams, to
approve the minutes of the November 30, 2021 meeting. Motion passed by
voice vote.
TREASURER: Unable to attend in person or by Zoom, the treasurer submitted a written report. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made
by Linda Cross, seconded by Jenny Mosher. After discussion Linda and
Jenny withdrew the motion and second. Bobbi Wilding made the motion,
seconded by Bridey, to table approval until the next meeting. This motion
passed by voice vote.
Chair Theresa appointed the following committees:
Bylaws Revision:
Martin Messner, chair
Sandy MacKay
Linda Cross
Bobbi Wilding
Jerrine Corallo, chair
Jessica Hartjen, chair
Bobbi Wilding, chair
Email voting: Bridey Finegan made the motion, seconded by Kristen
Williams, that when the entire committee is voting by email, each member
has only 1 equal vote and a member may call for weighted voting within 24
hours of the email vote request. Discussion followed. Bridey and Kristen
withdrew the motion and second. The topic is being referred to the Bylaws
Revision and Communications Committees.
Chair Theresa announced that Congressman Delgado will meet soon
with members of our committee to work on the upcoming campaign.
Joe Bozicevich will hold a meeting to discuss Becoming a Highly Effective Person. Participants will develop a personal mission statement.
On Monday training will be held to help committee members form a
town committee.
Act Blue is currently active for SCDC. We need to connect the links.
The time to gather signatures on petitions for local and federal offices
for the November 2022 election runs from March 1 - April 4, 2022. This
will be on the agenda for the March 2, 2022 meeting.
Mask mandate: Martin Messner raised the point that we need to encourage use of masks by everyone and suggested a letter to the local
newspapers. Bridey Finegan suggested a survey of the committee:
“we support the government. We regret the Supreme Court decision.
We support science.” Chair Theresa directed her to conduct an email
Adjournment: Jean Burton made the motion, seconded by Alanna Fiore, to
adjourn. Motion passed by voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda K. Cross, Secretary