Jennie Mosher
Jennie lives in and represents Schoharie District 2. She would like to see more qualified Democratic candidates run for office in Schoharie County, and give them more support. She would like to help with structures and processes that increase Democratic and progressive ideas, awareness, voter turnout, and candidate success in the Town and County of Schoharie. Her goal for Schoharie County Democrats is that we work together to promote positive, progressive values in our communities, increase voter engagement and turnout, and elect more Democrats and progressives to office. Jennie is a program director at a local library and likes to cross-country ski, hike, canoe, camp, read, create art, make stuff, and dance. She also thinks Schoharie County is one of the most beautiful places in the state, and there are so many creative, interesting, and kind people in the area. It is a privilege to live here and have the opportunity to contribute to the community.