S. Meredith, Gilboa Town Rep
We've been posting a range of ideas on Facebook about policies and choices that fall on politicians and communities to decide. The one above is a particularly complicated one, since local residents need the same services, support, jobs and choices that migrants and asylum seekers need, and we lack so much of that here. Can we, as a community, start trying to answer these questions, or will we do as the Board of Supervisors seems to do, claiming in essence that it's not our problem, and find fault with other levels of government?
How about the lack of 911/wireless service in our rural areas, where not having GPS services and pulling in the ‘wrong’ driveway can get a person killed? If those young people had had strong GPS, or even been able to call the friends they were going to visit, the terrible events of that day might not, probably wouldn't, have happened. What can our towns do to press private broadband providers to lower prices for their services and ensure full coverage in rural, hilly places?
Then there are issues like affordable, high quality child care for everyone who wants to work. Attracting, training, housing, and credentialing, as well as providing facilities for this kind service really needs attention from the full county-wide community. Making ends meet is hard for so many families in Schoharie County. Why not work together to create l policies to make supportive services a priority, and retain more young families here in Schoharie County?
If you are frustrated by the news of what the Board of Supervisors has been deciding, you basically have two options. Vote for candidates who share your perspectives (or become such a candidate), and tell your local council members and supervisors your opinions on these matters before they pass those resolutions! Attending town board meetings, writing letters to the editor, even calling or emailing your town supervisor when an issue comes to your attention, can make a real difference. Sometimes politicians just need to know that their constituents have concerns and ideas and truly care about these matters.
Here are a few Schoharie County Voter Wish List items. How many are on YOUR list?
Comprehensive 911/GPS/Broadband
Technical assistance to retrofit existing housing and businesses for
alternative energy
Complete range of accessible medical services
Affordable child care for all parents
Upgrading EMS & service coordination
Small business incubators to develop jobs
Subsidized flood and fire insurance for low income homeowners
Housing with services for homeless people in Schoharie County
Funding & support for migrants and displaced people
Transparency in board of supervisors decision making
Solar lighting at important rural intersections
Universal charging stations in all our communities
Subsidized gas credits for working farms during growing and harvest
Simplified work permits for migrant farm workers
Towns budget lines for community building events
Excuse-free absentee ballot options for voters in all elections
Let us know what's on YOUR VOTER WISH LIST! info@schohariedemocrats.org and consider filling in the 10-year vision
survey https://forms.gle/HZ8iz3cqRWXKp7t46