Minutes—October 21, 2021 Special Meeting


The Schoharie County Democratic Committee held a special meeting on Thursday, October 21, 2021, at the County Office Building, Third Floor Supervisors Meeting Room, Main Street, Schoharie, NY 12157.


First Vice Chair Sandra Manko called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm and led the Pledge to the Flag.  The secretary took the roll call; a quorum was present.


Agenda:  Bridey Finegan made the motion, seconded by Jackie Hadam, to approve the proposed agenda.  Motion passed by voice vote.




          Jackie Hadam made the motion, seconded by Jerrine Corallo, to approve the minutes of the July 29, 2021, meeting.  Motion passed by voice vote.


          Gail Shaffer made the motion, seconded by Patti Shultes, to approve the minutes of the September 21, 2021, meeting. Jackie Hadam and Martin Messner made and seconded the motion to correct the minutes to read:

          Motion by Lea Gardiner, seconded by Charles Feezel to override the

         appointments Cliff Hay made for Sara Masterson, Veronica Pitt, Matt

         Faas, and himself was passed by voice vote, Linda Cross voting no.

"Motion is to override the appointment made by Cliff [Hay] on August 23, 2021 and to return Veronica [Pitt] to Carlisle 1, Sara [Masterson] to Middleburg 1, Matt Faas to Schoharie 2, and  Cliff to Carlisle 1.”


After discussion about unannounced recording of the proceedings, the secretary said that the minutes will be corrected.  Vote to approve the amendment passed by voice vote; Rich Shultes, Patti Shultes, Jim Buzon,  Susan Kennedy, Sandy Manko, Scott Bennett, Sara Masterson abstained; Linda Cross and Gail Shaffer voted no.

Motion to approve the amended minutes was made by Sandy MacKay, seconded by Brian Gallagher, and passed by voice vote.

Motion to accept the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of August 23, 2021, was made by Linda Cross, seconded by Gail Shaffer, and passed by voice vote.



          The treasurer explained that the former Chairman, a signatory on the checking account, will not sign checks.  Because the checks require two signatures (Cliff Hay and the Treasurer), no bills can be paid.  The account must be updated.

          The financial report was read and explained.  A copy has been filed with the minutes.  If the Committee decides that all members should receive the report, the Treasurer will make it available to the Secretary a few days before the next meeting for email delivery to the committee.


Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Brian Gallagher, seconded by Jim Buzon, and passed by voice vote.




          Jackie Hadam nominated Theresa Heary; Bridey Finegan seconded the nomination. Gail Shaffer nominated Jim Buzon; Rich Shultes seconded.

Linda Cross read a letter of support for the nomination of Jim Buzon. Rich Shultes reminded the committee of the provision in the previous bylaws, as supported by bylaws of the NYS Democratic Committee, that the chief officers of the committee should have equal representation of the sexes; that is, if one officer is male, the other should be female.  The current officers have a female First Vice Chair; a male Chairman would meet this criterion.


By roll call vote Theresa Heary was elected Chair.  She announced, “Things are going to be different.”




          Chair Heary reported that the standing committees would meet in the off months opposite the meetings of the full committee and then report back at the full SCDC meetings of their decisions and plans.

1.      Communications:  Martin Messner nominated Jerrine Corallo to be chair; Brian Gallagher seconded.  Rich Shultes moved and Jim Buzon seconded that the polls be closed and the secretary cast one ballot.  Motion approved by voice vote.

2.     Membership/Organizing:  Martin Messner nominated Jessica Hartjen; Bridey Finegan seconded.  Rich Shultes moved and Jim Buzon seconded that the polls be closed and the secretary cast one ballot.  Motion passed by voice vote.

3.     Campaign/Fundraising:  Miriam McGiver nominated Joe Bozicevich for chair; Sandy MacKay seconded.  Martin Messner nominated Miriam McGiver for co-chair; Jessica Hartjen seconded.  Barb Lawry made the motion, seconded by Jackie Hadam, that the polls be closed and the secretary cast one ballot.  Motion passed by voice vote

4.     Social:  Miriam McGiver nominated Bobbi Wilding for chair; Alison Emmerich seconded.  Motion by Rich Shultes, seconded by Gail Shaffer, that the polls be closed and the secretary cast one ballot. Motion passed by voice vote.

5.     Members of the Standing Committees:  Jackie Hadam made the motion, seconded by Charlie Feezel, that election of members of the Standing Committees be postponed until the next meeting.  Motion passed by voice vote.


Jim Buzon announced that Diane Becker has moved/is moving from Middleburgh.   Paying tribute to Diane and her husband Lance for their many years of support and service to SCDC, Jim suggested that a  plant or bouquet of flowers be sent to her with a note of thanks from SCDC.  Rich Shultes suggested that, in view of the status of the checking account, a collection be taken instead at the end of the meeting, with Jim authorized to buy the flowers. Consensus of the group approved.


Gail Shaffer spoke to encourage write-ins for Schoharie County DA on November 2 to show opposition to the Republican candidate. She also encouraged the committee to consider support to Governor Kathy Hochul for next year’s election.


Linda Cross advised members to look for an email supporting write-in candidate for Coroner, Suzann Kipp.


Chair Heary announced that she has lawn signs for David Grandin and other campaign materials for distribution.


ADJOURNMENT:  Motion to adjourn was made by Jackie Hadam, seconded by Miriam McGiver, and passed by voice vote,  Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.

Respectfully submitted

Linda K. Cross, Secretary